<<Disclaimer:  Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I cannot comment on the availability of gluten free
xanthan gum or gluten-free yeast but there is a wide range
of gluten free products available in Australia including
Baking powder, breads, cereals, pastas, flours etc. Generally
they are available in most health food stores, although some
major supermarkets seem to be now catering for the gluten
intolerant community. I suggest you try the local `Coles'
Supermarket before the health food shops, as prices are
significantly lower. Again, the availability in these
supermarkets seems to be dependant on the locality. In some
areas there is a demand and others there is not.

As far as restaurants are concerned, there is a problem. No
one seems to cater for celiacs and there is a marked
ignorance even concerning the problem. The best bet is to
locate something on the menu that seems to be okay and then
ask!! Be very specific about what is harmful to you. I find
roasts can be safe if gravy is not served. Also fish just
grilled in butter, no flour but remember to state, "no flour"
Anyhow, I have a list of acceptable foods released by the
Celiac Society here in Sydney but lack access to a scanner.
I can either post a copy to you in The States or forward one
to your address in Australia.

BTW, I can only speak from my knowledge in Sydney, perhaps if
you post where in Australia you will be honouring us with your
company, others may be able to assist you. All the best, I hope
you enjoy the heat- its Summer now you know. Depending on your
destination it won't start to cool off until April.

Graeme Roberts
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