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Free HAT to any camper registered with a paid deposit by April 1, 2011.
Hat will be delivered on July 10th at camp!

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In the tradition of the Chicken Run...Come join us for the Great Escape!

When: July 10-15, 2011
Where: Camp Gilmont in Gilmer, Texas
What: A celiac camp for children ages 7-15


The Great Gluten Escape will provide each camper with an opportunity to
participate in all camp activities without concern for the gluten content
of the food provided. The camp will provide an environment that encourages
peer support and escape from the daily peer pressure of the “I can't have
that” syndrome.

This 6 day/5 night summer resident camp has been designed for youth ages
7-15 with dietary restrictions related to Celiac Disease, Dermatitis
Herpetiformis, and/or Gluten Sensitivity/Intolerance. This is the camp
where you can escape from the gluten loaded world we live in. For one week
you will no longer have to worry about gluten!

Kelly LeMonds, Camp Director
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Archives are at: Http://Listserv.icors.org/SCRIPTS/WA-ICORS.EXE?LIST=CELIAC