<<Disclaimer:  Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

My daghters gi said by looking at her blood work that her nubers are
not that elevated so he is not certain that she does has celiac. So we
decided to go ahead with the biopsy. It should be some time next week. 
I'm still waiting on the celaic panel blood work on myself and 
my two other children, I did get my daughters CBC back and it 
showed that she is slightly anemic, which is what it showed 6
months ago. They want me to start her on iron supplements. I am
hesitant to do this because they don't know why her iron is low. 
My iron level has been low all my life and I have never had a dr
be able to tell me why. They want her to start the supplements then
repeat the CBC in 3 months. For now I am not going to give
her anything until I get the results of the celiac panel back.  Once 
I know what is going on there I will consider the supplements.  
Any thoughts on this?  

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