<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Original Question on Iritis, Uveitus of the eye and CD

My 51 year old brother who has had GI problems even as a child, reflux, hodgkins in 1986, intestinal lymphoma 2004, osteoporosis with compression fractures of the spine in 2006, depression, now has iritis (uveitis) of the eye which is inflammation of the iris.
He had the usual blood tests for CD two years ago and an endoscopy with photographs but not biopsy which were negative, but since has discovered the osteoporosis and iritis of the eye and has recently suffered from depression.  I have two genes for gluten sensitivity ( the more recently discovered genes fron Dr. Fine's Enterolab tests and his 8 years of research which shows these genes produce the exact symptoms of celiac) one from my mother and one from my father and have had quite a time with celiac for the last 2 and 1/2 years (all my tests for celiac/gluten sensitivity were positive with Dr. Fine's Enterolab tests in Nov 2005 -Previously all  my bloodwork for celiac was negative but was already gluten free)--- just the last few months feeling  better.  This means that my brother could have one gene or two genes for celiac/gluten sensitivity.   My brother is understandably resistant to have any more tests for celiac.

Replies are as follows:
1.  This person had 5 corneal transplants since 1996 and has battled chronic corneal rejection and uveitis ever since.  Last year was diagnosed with celiac disease and went GF/CF (casein free) in Feb 2005.  Within a month all inflammation had reduced and did not have any rejection or uveitis until this week.  This week put the wrong egg replacer in breads and glutened the entire family.  Within a day of eating four slices of  the offending bread  have full blown rejection and uveitis again.  While this is not proof that eating gluten as a celiac causes uveitis (iritis), the link is strong enough to convince this person that gluten is the root of her eye problem.
2.  Found a great website that describes iritis/uveitis in full with symptoms and possible causes---  www.uveitis.org and www.iritis.org
3.  Had iritis twice in the right eye.  Dr. Murray at the Mayo Clinic says it is connected to CD, as iritis is an auto immune disorder, and as such auto immune disorders tend to be related.  This person also understands that chronic inflammation could also be an auto immune disorder.  The first experience of iritis was the pitts for this person.  It  took 6 weeks of treatments and eye doctor visits.  Second time immediately recognized the symptoms.  Eye doc confirmed and treatment was shorter.  Advil has helped at the first signs of imflammation.  This person also experiences inflammatory discomfort in joints, muscles, tendons, headaches etc.  Dx was in 1971.
4.  Had iritis twice long before diagnosis and thinks it was due to rubbing eyes with unclean hands.
5.  Had iritis since this person was a kid and as a child had eye surgery to correct it.  At about age 10 had bouts of not seeing for a few minutes at a time. Everything clouded up and then went away.  Eventually got worse and at times couldn't go to school because of it.  When 12 had laser eye surgery on both eyes to correct it.  Healed but have a detached retina so vision isn't the greatest.  Left eye does all the work.  Now 29 and diagnosed with celiac 5 years ago.  Honestly thinks the iritis related to celiac as well as arthritis.  The eye doc says iritis is arthritis in the eye.  Wishes she had been diagnosed as a child and may have prevented horrible eye problems.  Hope your brother doesn't need anything too complicated to correct his iritis.  At the time surgery was the only thing available to save this person's eyesight.  Taking supplements like bilberry and lutein as they are supposed to help.
6.  Not sure about iritis but epi scleritis and sometimes blepheritis is a common finding for people with inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn's and Ulcerative Colitis).  Some docs are now adding celiac in with those other inflammatory bowel diseases but it seems slow to catch on.  Both Crohn's and Celiac are T-cell mediated inflammatory diseases.
7.  Have celiac as well as psoriatic arthritis.  PA is in the family of autoimmune diseases called spondyloarthritis.  The diseases in this category can all have iritis as a symptom.  Search Google for spondylitis.  You will find lots of imformation.
8.  Had scleritis and occasional symptoms come back when tired or immunity down for other reasons although never came back full blown.  Tx by one of the best in the field at NEMC/Boston.  She didn't feel there were any conclusive studies to show a relation to scleritis and CD.  Currently has an eye MD who feels there is a connection.
9.  Please read article at www.naturalfoodworks.net on relationship between gluten/casein sensitivity and inflammation.
Look for gluten/casein free diet.
10.  Battled chronic iritis for over a decade and it all resolved when I went gluten free after my celiac diagnosis last year.
I was so upset when discovered a strict gf diet fixed my eyes.  I suffered for so long and had so many steroids pumped into me that I now have osteonecrosis as a side effect of the steroids.  All of this could have been avoided if  someone had diagnosed me with celiac disease 40 years ago when complaining about what I now know were symptoms of celiac disease.  Your brother has my deepest sympathy.  Uveitis is incredibly painful.
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih  http://www.gluten-free.org/hoggan/leukemia.txt  http://www.nutramed.com/celiacimmunref.htm
11.  Had scleritis (inflammation of the white part of eye-the sclera) as an auto immune reaction linked to lighting.  Has autoimmune reactions under flourescents, especially Phillips and GE which emit more green range light.  Sylvania white lights emits blue instead which is not as bad for this person.

Three more longer responses to follow later today.  I will also add any others that I receive and/or comments.
Thank you as always for your valuable information interest, support and care.

Robin in Massachusetts

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