<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Donna's post about lettuce & flouride possibly being a cause of upset
stomach reminded me of something I saw on the food network last year.  The
program showed the processing of ready-to-eat, bagged lettuce salads.  To
increase the shelf life of salad veggies, they are rinsed in a FLOURIDE
solution.  The flouride kills the natural enzymes which cause the lettuce to
break down.

GROSS!  No thanks.  I want my lettuce fresh, non flouridated & with all the
natural enzymes intact.  I rarely eat bagged salads anyway because I've
always thought they tasted like cardboard, but occasionally for convenience
I bought them.  However, when I saw the TV program about it, I resolved to
NEVER eat bagged lettuce salads again.  So I bought a salad spinner which
makes preparing fresh salads a snap.   I wash & dry my lettuce in the same
bowl.  It's so convenient.

Perhaps it's not the lettuce that made Donna & her friend ill, perhaps it
was from bagged lettuce processed with flouride?

So how can you tell which bagged lettuces have been processed in flouride?
The answer is, you can't.  Food processors get away with w/o labeling that a
bagged salad contains flouride because the flouride is used in processing &
supposedly rinsed off.  So the flouride is not an added ingredient per se.

Valerie in Tacoma

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