<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I often hear people looking for a substitute for butter because they are
lactose & casein intolerant.  They often look for phoney, man made
substitutes.  IMHO no phoney food is EVER a healthy alternative for a
natural food.  [If I can't tolerate a natural whole food I simply do
without.]  However, even though I am lactose intolerant and casien & whey
senstive, I CAN EAT BUTTER!  Whoo whoo!  Butter is very low in milk proteins
& lactose so most people who have problems with dairy can tolerate it.  BUT
if you are one of the most sensitive who can't you probably can tolerate
GHEE, which is lactose, casein & whey free.  At any rate, it's certainly
worth a try.

Clarified butter, or ghee can be purchased at stores or made at home.
Simply place butter in a dish in a warm oven or on a warmer of some sort.
Let it sit until the solids separate to the bottom.  Skim off the top,
discard the little bit of solids that have sunk to the bottom.  The clear
top is GHEE AKA clarified butter.

When I first went GFCD, I avoided whole butter for an entire year.  Then one
day I got brave & tried butter.  To my delight I could tolerate it w/o
problems in spite of my dairy intolerance.  But before that time, it was
nice to have ghee.

Valerie in Tacoma

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