<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

WHEW!  I need to summarize quickly to let everyone know that I have received
more requests for kefir grains than I can possibly fill in 12 weeks!  So for
those of you who need kefir grains, I can recommend a few things.  [All
these references can be found by searching the web through google or any
other search engine.]

(1)  I'll refer you to this site to find free grains:

You may have to request from multiple people before you find one who has
grains to share at this time.  KEfir grains grow slowly so not everyone on
the site will have grains to share at the same time.  But keep searching,
you will find someone, somewhere who can help you.

(2) Join the Yahoo Kefir making group.  Sometimes you can find people to
share grains with your there.

(3) Try GEM Cultures, an on line business that sells kefir grains.  Or even
try E-Bay.  I've heard of people buying grains there.

(4) In the meantime, go to  your health food store & buy some Yogourmet
Kefir Starter.  Follow the directions.  It makes a pretty good kefir-like
beverage that has many of the same benefits of real kefir made with
authentic kefir grains.

A lot of people have asked me how I make kefir.  I make mine at home with
real kefir grains iin pasturized goat's milk.  For more information about
kefir making, I refer you to the many websites dedicated this.

Valerie in Tacoma

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