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From: Wally Day

> >Foundational to the exercise is paleo nutrition with a bit of caloric
> restriction compared to energy expenditure.
> I don't know why, but your comment about a "bit of caloric
> resreiction" brought this thought on :)
> We are all, I'm sure, familiar with the experiments with
> extending lifespan using caloric restriction. But, I wonder if it only
> to intake, or does it also apply to outgo? In other words, would one
> receive the same benefits keeping calories the same and increasing
> Or by slightly reducing caloric intake, and slightly increasing activity
> I'm not just referring to staying "in shape", which of course
> is a reward in itself.

This issue has been addressed empirically in animal studies.  I don't have
the references at hand and don't have the time to find them just now, but
the results of studies comparing calorie restriction against exercise (while
keeping weight equal) show that CR extends life span but exercising to
achieve the same level of leanness does not.  So, it's the reduction of
caloric intake that produces the extension of life span.  There are a few
studies, however, that suggest that moderate CR with exercise may achieve
the same life extending effect as more severe CR, although this work has not
been replicated to my knowledge.


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