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As I contemplate my coming retirement, I was sitting down in a comfortable
chair reading (Derrick Jensen's latest book) and thinking how much I was
going to enjoy reading more.  I have been planning to replace the cheap
old chair I was using with a new comfortable leather-upholstered chair
that would make my retirement, my reading and relaxation even more
enjoyable.  My son, who is the most Paleo person I know, entered the room
and we talked about Jensen and I mentioned my plans for chair-driven

He brought me up with a start, pointing out that chairs were introduced
well into the Neolithic, that it is chair-based activity (driving, office
jobs) that leads to back problems.  He advised me to get down on the
floor - as he does - to read.  Rather than engaging in stretching to
compensate for the abuse to my body by chairs, he advised me (with the
confidence only a 21 year old can know) to get off my butt and avoid the
damage in the first place.

I know that when I was in the highlands of Papua New Guinea I would see
the old people squatting for hours on end, in a roughly circular group,
talking together.  No chairs.  Depictions of Paleolithic people, on the
other hand, often show them sitting (when flint napping, making a spear,
eating etc.).  But maybe the artists was forcing them into the their
modern, Western mould.

Any ideas on sitting?


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