<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>


Thanks very much for all of the kind responses to my request if anybody knew
of an antibiotic that is both gluten and sulfa free.

I didn't want to take the antibiotic, Macrodantin, that had been prescribed
to me because my information said that it had gluten.  The one I was on
wasn't doing any good and I needed something else. I need to be on one until
I can get to see the urologist, since I don't want to have a kidney
infection. Fortunately I have been able to make that appointment for
Thursday because of a cancellation.

I decided to take the Macrodantin and that is what I am doing , since I
didn't really have a responsible medical person (in my opinion) to prescribe
another. I was never really able to affirm that any particular med. was both
gluten free and sulfa free although Cipro is looking like a possibility.

Many people said to look for homeopathic methods such as cranberry, garlic
in green olives without vinegar, vitamin C,  and rosemary and thyme.

Two people suggested that I try to have the meds compounded at  compounding

One person said that Cipro is gluten and sulfa free. A couple of you said
that Cipro worked. One said that Cipro worked for her and to get a new
doctor. ~;o)

One suggested that I check out Keflex. I haven't done that yet.

One said to use an otc analgesic antibacterial for relief that was gf called
Cystex and Cran-did tea and to drink lots of water.

One said that Levaguin and Cipro are the same thing. I don't know yet.

I truly appreciate the responses and the support. So far I don't feel much
better so hopefully the urologist is more responsible than the last doctor
and can find a way to solve this. Unfortunately I think the question about a
gluten free sulfa free drug  is still  unresolved. If I learn anything I
think will be interesting to you, I will add  to this summary.

Thanks very kindly,


>From: "Leslie" <[log in to unmask]>
>To: "arline black" <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Re:      Antibiotic Med Without Gluten/Sulfa, Bladder Infection???
>Date: Tue, 19 Aug 2003 08:38:57 -0600
>Hi Arlene,
>     Don't know if this will help or not. Recently I had a bladder
>after not having had one for 10 years or more... I too am allergic to
>drugs & sorry I can't remember what I was prescribed but I';m writing to
>tell you what caused the bladder infection. Only one week after I got it
>cleared up I got it again! Boy was I choked! After a bit of thought on my
>part I wondered if it could have been caused by changing pantiliner brands.
>I got rid of the new brand and my symptoms started going away immmediately.
>I also went to the doctor and since the urine test said I didn't have
>infection he concurred with my diagnosis.
>Don't know if this helps or not.
>Hopefully you've already got it under control!
>----- Original Message -----
>From: arline black <[log in to unmask]>
>To: <[log in to unmask]>
>Sent: Friday, August 15, 2003 12:58 PM
>Subject: Antibiotic Med Without Gluten/Sulfa, Bladder Infection???
> > ---------------------- Information from the mail
>header -----------------------
> > Sender:       Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List
> >               <[log in to unmask]>
> > Poster:       arline black <[log in to unmask]>
> > Subject:      Antibiotic Med Without Gluten/Sulfa, Bladder Infection???
> >
> >
> > <<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your
> >
> > For a month I have had a bladder infection and was prescribed Tequin for
> > seven days and then 21 days.
> > After the first seven days the doctor told me I needed to see a
> > because obviously I had a problem. (I haven't had a bladder infection in
> > about three years). (I don't think that justifies going to a urologist.
> >
> > He did however prescribe another 21 days of Tequin.  It isn't helping.
> > is the 14th day and it isn't really working. Then he left a message with
> > office girl to tell me I needed to find a urologist. I told her I needed
> > new antibiotic  until I can get an appontment with the urologist,
> > that is supposed to be. His office girl called in Macrodantin. It
> > gluten. The next message he left was to say that there isn't anything
> > he can prescribe me that doesn't either have gluten or sulfa. He left
> > four messages that tol dme to go to a urologist. Losing all patience,
> > the office girl also, who will never speak to me again,  I asked if I
> > just supposed to die of a bladder infection. (When I am defeated I
> > childhood). She said that she would call the doctor again. Finally she
> > to the other doctor who by now was in the office, and they talked to a
> > compounding pharmacy who didn't know what to do either and they all put
> > their heads together and decided that I can take Macrodantin because it
> > doesn't have much gluten in it. I did suggest that the fact that the
> > wouldn't call me as being rather bizzarre. (either doctor) She said I
> > ask to have them call. (I think I will take a nap and think about my
> > qualities) ~:O).
> >
> > I don't want to take Macrodantin and  I don't want to do antibiotics
> > see the urologist I just found  next Thursday. Does it really have to be
> > this hard.?
> >
> > Please tell me it isn't true that there is no antibiotic I can be
> > that is gluten and sulfa free for a bladder infection.
> >
> > Thank you for whatever you can say to help answer this question. I have
> > looked all over the internet and have found gluten free antibiotics but
> > don't know if they have sulfa in them or not.
> >
> > Thanks very much,
> >
> > Arline
> >
> > _________________________________________________________________
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> > * Please remember some posters may be WHEAT-FREE, but not GLUTEN-FREE *

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