<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

First I want to say how much I appreciate this list, I don't know what I would do with out it.  I have a 3 year old daughter newly diagnosed with DH.  I have been trying so hard to check everything she eats.  She is 100 times better than she was, but she still gets small breakouts.  My question is, Is she continuing to break out because she is still ingesting gluten somewhere or do you continue to break out for some time even though you are on a total gluten free diet.  She has been on the gluten free diet for about 3 months now.  I would not be surprised if there is still something in her diet that I'm  missing, I just can't seem to figure out what it is.  It seems to me that she is breaking out from something she is eating, but I had heard others say that it can take months to years to clear up.  Is that because it can take that long to figure out what is truly safe to eat and not?

My next question is for any of you who have Rhuematoid Arthritis.  My mother has suffered with this for 25 years.  Since my daughters diagnosis we are now connecting my mothers symptoms to this disease.  She has the rash on both elbows. She has had it for years and always thought it was a reaction to the heavy medications she is on.  Her doctor has agreed to test her for the disease.  They are going to start with the blood test and go from there.  I read somewhere that there is a link between Celiac Disease and Rhuematoid Arthritis.  I would like to hear from any of you who have made this connection.  Did your Rhuematoid symptoms go away after going on a gluten free diet?  I realize that she has 25 years of damage to her body from the crippling arthritis, but do you recover from the pain and inflammation?

I do not have any noticeable symptoms but suspect that my other two children may have this too.  We are all following the diet.  I feel that we will all be better off for it.  At first this was so overwhelming, but now I see it as a blessing in disguise.  Had my daughter not broken out with the rash, we may never have connected my mother's arthritis to Celiac disease.  I am praying that she will soon see some relief from the pain she has lived with for so long.

 I would really love to hear from those of you who also suffer with Rhuematoid Arthritis and from anyone who can help me with the DH symptoms in my daughter.

Thanks so much,
Lisa  :0)

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