There is a conference this week at the University of Southampton's Centre
for the Foetal Origins of Adult Diseases.

The conference program is at:

The BBC is reporting the conference.  Here is their report on how foetal
experiences can affect adult incomes (courageous to make that leap, but
that's what happens when you let a journalist through the doors.  At least
the writer is quoted as saying that 'An unbalanced maternal diet can
increase the mother's stress hormone levels' and this provides part of the

Another paper says foetal experiences can affect willingness to take risks
(Now, couldn't we make something of THAT in terms of natural selection!):

And here is a third report, this one on foetal origins of adult

Lots here on the complex inter-relationships of many variables and not all
the researchers are satisfied with a simplistic, one-to-one mono-causal
link between maternal nutrition and adult health.


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