<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I received the following from Oral B when confirming an older posting about
the GF status of their toothpastes.  My follow-up to their response is
below.  Such a shame...Joy

May 14, 2003

Thank you for your inquiry.  Although our review shows that gluten is not a
primary ingredient in these Oral-B products, we cannot exclude the
possibility that gluten may be used in the manufacture of the raw materials,
or used as a processing aid.

I have arranged to send you a certificate good towards any Oral-B product to
replace the Oral-B Stages Buzz Light Year toothpaste that you purchased.

Please contact us again if you have any other questions or comments and
please reference the number below. Thanks!

Tricia Cubellis
Consumer Service Representative

Follow-up response:

Tricia:  Thank you for the coupon.  I'll use it to replace my son's
toothbrush head on his Buzz Lightyear toothbrush.  But I still am very
dismayed that a company that produces a product that goes into people's
mouths cannot confirm what ingredients are used in it.  A very scary
thought.  One pharmaceutical company gave me the same line, and as a
consequence, not only do we NOT use their products for my Celiac son, but we
don't want them in our house period.  This is an unfortunate result of a
company "not coming clean" when it comes to matters of health.  And isn't it
ironic when it's a company that supposedly makes things to improve our
health?  Ah, such are the complexities of the modern world...Joy Mendez

*Support summarization of posts, reply to the SENDER not the Celiac List*