<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

>The hydrochloric acid ... I'm sleeping all night...controlling the
diarhrea too.<

        Including the respondant's comments above in my summary may have been a
little misleading to some. Hydrochloric (HCl) acid is NOT recommended as
a treatment for insomnia.  It is recommended as a digestive aid.  Betaine
hydrochloride (HCl) is the main ingredient in many OTC digestive aid
capsules & tablets.  HCl works by replacing deficient stomach acid which
will enhance digestion & absorption of proteins, vitamins & minerals and
help retard yeast & bacteria overgrowth.  Relief from insomnia is not
generally an expected response to HCl supplementation, however, both this
person and I did find an improvement in our sleep after beginning
supplementation.  I believe the improvement in our sleep patterns is the
result of improved absorption of protiens, calcium and magnesium.  These
three nutrients, as well as others are necessary for a good night's
sleep.  So I believe it's possible that the HCl could have improved our
sleep patterns indirectly.
        Any one wanting to try HCl replacement should do so with great care --
ideally under the direction of a physician who is familiar with it use.
You can read all about the recommended protocol for HCl replacement as
well as the many healthful benefits of stomach acid in WHY STOMACH ACID
IS GOOD FOR YOU by Jonathan Wright MD.    ~Valerie in Tacoma, WA

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