<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I've been considering getting contact lenses but wasn't sure whether any
of the solutions involved contain gluten. I'm allergic to cosmetics and
suspect I'm chemically sensitive, which is why I've avoided contacts. The
only product containing chemicals I use is softsoap, which is on a gluten-
free list by the company anyhow, and that gets washed off. Has anyone had
any adverse reactions to contact lenses, similiar to gluten reactions? Or
knows any companies that make contacts or solutions that do not recommend
we use them? How about companies that claim all ingredients are gluten-
free? Thanks!

Oh and last but not least...has anyone had any reactions to the Neutrogena
or Bonne Bell products on each of their gluten-free products lists? How
about Bare Escentua
ls or Mac Cosmetics? Are there any celiacs like myself
that found they couldn't use any cosmetics due to them causing out and out
celiac symptoms but then found products that have miraculously worked,
producing no symptoms? There just has to be answers! I'm a college student
and want to feel glamorous sometimes, ya know? But I'm scared to continue
trying stuff that will make me ill. Thank you all for taking the time to
read this and for any advice. I know there are those who do not seem to
react to external gluten. I am not one of them! Thanks again,

Andrea in NYC

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