<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I recently got a response from the company that produces these treats.  They
are delicious and found, at least, throughout the Rocky Mountain West.

My message:

Hi.  My husband and I have enjoyed your beef steak snacks over the past
two weeks as we drove across the Rocky Mountain West.  Your jerky is by
far the best we've eaten that is readily available.  Our son, however,
has Celiac Disease, which means he cannot consume anything with gluten
in it.  Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, rye and oats.  Many
jerky-type meats ususally have something in them that he cannot have.
Your ingredient listing seems innocent enough--even your teriyanki
flavored jerky uses tamari sauce instead of soy sauce (usually the main
difference is that soy sauce has wheat in it and tamari does not).  Can
you clarify whether or not your products are free of gluten?  If so, I'd
be happy to share with the rest of America's Celiac community--the info
that is.  I'll keep the meat snacks for myself!!!

Their response:

Joy:  All of our products that contain wheat or corn gluten - are very
clearly listed in the ingredient deck on the individual packages.  If a
product contains soy sauce it will give the break down in parentheticals ()
- example (soybeans, wheat, water, salt).  We cannot add anything with
allergens without putting it on the package - this is by our standard, and
by U.S.D.A. standards set forth by FSIS.  Our labeling standards are much
more stringent than that of the FDA.  Just read the ingredient deck - we've
got nothing to hide.

Roger W. Moore
Corp. Dir. of Q.A. / R&D

* Visit the Celiac Web Page at www.enabling.org/ia/celiac/index.html *