<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi All -- Thanks to all of you who responded to my note about DelMonte and
Hormel providing GF info on their web pages.  Some of you had difficulty
locating the exact pages where this info is listed, so I'm listing below
the pages for Hormal and DelMonte, along with a few others I've made note
of.  Hope this helps.  I've also been contacting several other
manufacturers this week and requesting they address the GF status of their
products in the Q&A section of their web pages.  Maybe if we all do so
they'll finally get our message.  Anyone who has a Q&A section should
certainly easily be able to address this issue.  Here's a few of my links:
http://www.fritolay.com/faq.html (list of GF items with disclaimer noted)
http://www.hormel.com/Hormel/home.nsf/LUDocument/D0017?OpenDocument (GF
http://www.delmonte.com/Answers/Default.htm (GF info)
http://www.benjerry.com/ca/ (GF info with disclaimer)
http://www.edys-dreamery.com/flavor/home.asp?ID=27 (read Nutrition info --
GF status at bottom)
http://www.kroger.com/faqs_grocery.htm (disclaimer note)

*Support summarization of posts, reply to the SENDER not the CELIAC List*