<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I received the following responses from list members:


Better recheck the Rice Dream frozen desserts. Even the vanilla hits me
medium hard. Last time I asked they told me the rice went through a barley
wash. Perhaps they've changed by now. That was a year ago.

Just to give you a word of caution; I'm lactose intolerant and have
tried Imagine Foods Soy Dream frozen dessert and find it very much like ice
cream. I am a recovering Celiac for 2.5 months now and for the last couple
of weeks only eating maybe at most 3 tbsp. of the every two or so days.
However, the other night I ate two scoops and since I have been eating most
of my foods from scratch, automatically suspected the Soy Dream. Soy Dream
has "guar gum" which the CSA advises Celiacs not to eat because it is used
as an aid to facilitate diarrhea, eventhough it is GF. Yes, I'm also
recovering from malabsorption and it caused my stools to become spongish and

soft, eventhough I've been getting consistent solid stools now. Maybe, it
you're fully recovered, the guar gum may not affect you.
P.S. They also have guar gum in their Rice Dream.

Sandra Lutz

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