<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I am curious whether others have experienced a growing sensitivity in their
skin and whether it might be related to celiac sprue.  I am always reluctant
to attribute everything in my life to gluten, but this has become puzzling.
I have been GF about 4 years and am 62 years old.  I have always had
pronounced veins in my hands (as have other family members.)  Last June I
noticed my hands were getting red spots on them like small bruises.  Since
then they have become very sensitive to the slightest contact with almost
anything.  The bruises disappear in about 48 hours.  They seem to recur in
areas where my veins are very close to my skin.  I have asked my
dermatologist and internist about this and neither seem too concerned nor do
they have any explanation.  So just wondered if anyone else had experienced
this.  I do not have DH.  Thanks for your help.