<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Thankyou all so much for your help.  I'm a mother of 2 children under 2
years so I have little time so will make it a quick summary but appreciate
the time you've taken to help.

Suggestion #1 (The person asked me to include this in my summary)

I too am a constipated celiac who initialy felt great when I started the
gluten free diet.  I also knew up front that all milk products were a
no-no for me so I'm totally dairy free.  But, after three months, I
started to get sicker & sicker.  I noticed that the more I experimented
with GF baked goods & such, the sicker I got.  I finally got so sick I
found myself tolerating only water, chicken broth & apple juice.  I was a
total wreck, lost a bunch of weight & was as weak as a newborn kitten.
My GI specialist was beside himself not knowing what to do with me other
than put me on intravenous feedings.  But he'd heard of a really good
naturopath in Seattle so he gave me a referral to this ND who put me on
the Specific Carbohydrate Diet and gastrocrom, a medication that is
designed to stabalized the gut to food allergies.  I'm much better now &
tolerating lots of foods including raw fruits & veggies, for the first
time in quite a while.  I strongly suggest you buy the book, "Breaking
the Vicious Cycle" by Elaine Gottshall & try the SCDiet.  It is a diet
disigned to eliminate all difficult to digest, irritating foods from the
gut (certain starches & sugars) thus reducing the growth of harmful
bacteria & yeasts while promoting the growth of healthy flora with
specially prepared yogurt.  It's not an easy diet to follow, but for me,
it was a life saver.  I was totally at the end of my rope.  If it hadn't
been for this diet, I believe would be on intravenous feeding by now.  I
still have a constipation problem, but at least my weight has stabalized
& I'm not suffering disabling nausea, gut pain or headaches anymore.  My
diet is not very appealing because my food choices are very limited due
to allergies & I'm not a very creative cook, but the alternative to
eating this way is even less appealing.

2.It seems like the SC Diet is the answer you can look at www.SCDIET.com

3.Others wrote that "Eating for Your Blood Type" book was a start.

4.Staying away from starches and sugars

5.Elimation Diets suggestions :Start with Rice and Water for 3 days and
every 3 days add a new food back in.

I personally I'm going to try to Eat Right for my blood type although can
anyone reccomend how long before I'll see results and if that doesn't work
than I will try the SC Diet.

Thanks Again to All