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Dear List Members,

I received so many wonderful suggestions for dealing with this problem.  It
seems that many of us have suffered from a variety of skin problems,
including DH, Atopic Dermatitis, hives, rashes, etc.  Some are gluten related
and others are not.  I wanted to share some of the suggestions with the list,
as I know how desperate I am to find a solution to this problem.  Long list,
but very light reading.

1.  Jeff in London, and many others suggested stress is a factor.  This would
be so hard to get rid of right now with the world in such a mess, having just
lived through a nightmare in my home town losing so many beautiful people,
having a new and very noisy upstairs neighbor move in, and so much more.
Fortunately I am adept at dealing well with stress, but my skin may not
be--so thanks for the suggestion.  After all, it must manifest in some way,

2.  Ann offered me wonderful explanation about how canola, vitamin E and some
vinegar might be a problem.  I do use Balsamic, and have not had a problem,
but I will watch out for the cheap kind in restaurants, and maybe skip it all
together and use lemon juice instead.  I do take Vitamin E twice a day and am
thinking of switching to Flax Seed Oil.

3.  Sharon in Topeka brought up some concerns about a friend of hers on
Dapsone for a long time.  Dapsone is not a choice for me to try, but I find
it is important that we support people who choose to try it by offering them
suggestions for dealing with side effects and potential dangers.  In line
with this I offer up that I suggest Milk Thistle should be taken to protect
the Liver.  I have spoken with someone who is active in the AIDS community
who told me that Dapsone is used in HIV and it accummulates in the liver and
causes harm.  Milk Thistle is a powerful herb which is safe and GF and helps
to detoxify the liver and keep it regenerating.

I also heard from some people who did take Dapsone for short periods of time
and did experience relief.

4.  Lots of recommendations on laundry products.  Dr. Bronner's and Ivory
Flakes were offered up as was Baking Soda instead of fabric softeners.  I
also appreciated the explanation of how some fire retardants in clothing
could cause problems and how all clothes should be washed before wearing to
eliminate chemical residue.  This is also important to remove all traces of
possible gluten contamination from glues used in packing boxes.  I do know
that I am sensitive to those wheat packing peanuts which are now being used
in place of styrofoam.  Be careful of those beige colored packing peanuts.

5.  A few people told me they can't even enter a bakery to accompany a friend
or they get DH.  I hate to admit it, but I did go shopping in the Supermarket
last week, and did bend over to smell some loaves of bread just to remember
what it was like in the old days.  However, I don't even admit a cracker into
my own home.  When eating out, I order food like a drill sargeant (only
nicely!) and am very specific about what cannot be on my plate.

6.  Lots of recommendations about hair products, shampoos, gels, etc.
This is a problem and I am finding Wheat Protein, Wheat Germ Oil, and
other gluten type substances in MANY skin creams, skin washes, shampoos,
hair sprays, etc.  Be careful with Aveda.  They claim to be oh so
natural, but the Brilliant line is loaded with Wheat Protein and I am
convinced that this gave me a head rash.  Also mentioned were skin
lotions and face creams.  There was already a posting on this in summary
which was very complete.  I have thrown out or given away all that
contained any trace of gluten.

7.  Patsy told me that Clorox can trigger an outbreak. I have been using
Clorox and will stop.

8.  Thank you Bev for a wonderful description of how IgA is under the skin
and how iodine can inflame it.  Vance also pointed this out, as did many
others.  Bev and Gary also described how other substances such as . iodized
salt, vitamins, and products from the ocean--seafood, shellfish, sea salt,
and things made from seaweed.  This can included emulsifiers called
alginates, carrageenan, irish moss, and Red coloring #3 which is made from
red seaweed.  Bromines are a related family of chemicals and some with DH
react to those as well.

I have been avoiding shell fish, but wonder if plain fish is also a problem.=

I will keep my eyes open on this.  I have seen carrageenan in many foods I
have been eating and will try to cut them out to see if this helps.  I had no
idea it was a form of iodine.

9. Howie has had success with pancreatic enzymes with ox bile and probiotics.
 Deb used a cream called Clobetasol with success.  Ann suggested Vetgraum Alb
30c....a homeopathic remedy, which I will be purchasing tomorrow morning!  I
have tried homeopathic Sulphur  which did nothing at all.

10.  Many wrote that soy and corn gave them problems.

11.  One of you suggested muscle testing with a chiropractor, which I did for
soy and that is how I first suspected it.  Very interesting work, for those
of you who have never done it.  You take the suspected allergen to the
chiropractor and they test the organ's reaction to it by how it affects
muscle strength.  I noticed the difference immediately when I wasn't holding
the soybeans and when I was holding them.  I am not big on chiropractic, but
have seen one for a bit to help with a recurring problem in a thoracic
vertebra, which has felt better now that I've had a few visits.  Be careful
to choose carefully if you do try chiropractic, as there are many snake oil
salesmen in those woods.

12.  Thanks to all who recommended Aloe Vera gel, which I have at home and
will try tonight.  I also have used straight tea tree oil, milk of magnesia,=

and bathing with honey and salt.  I've also gone into tanning beds (yes, I
must be desperate or crazy or both), which only made the blotches appear
darker and risked my skin to dangerous UV light.

13.  Many suggested wearing only cotton.  I do.  I never wear synthetics and
I can't wear wool without a t-shirt under it.  I change my clothing often and
bathe daily.  One doctor said to bathe less often, so I tried that too.

14.  Many of you used my request to vocalize how upsetting DH has been in
their own lives, and I am glad you got to vent on this.  As a woman, it is
particularly upsetting because of how I want to see myself and have others
see me.  I heard from one person who actually left her work and a
relationship because of DH, and how hard it is to constantly make excuses for
"what ever is that on your face".  My own experience has been that it appears
mainly on either my chest, left upper arm, torso, back or ribcage.  Now it is
appearing sometimes on the buttocks.  When I look at the photos on the Web,
mine is not the open oozing type, but it looks almost as if it would be
dermatitis or acne, but it isn't.  Several dermatologists have seen it and
have tried to blame it on me for scratching.  I am told to cut my nails, or
to moisturize better, or stop exercising to the point of sweating.  Or I've
been given cortisone creams and sent home to poison myself with it.  It
didn't even work on me.  Many of you shared how it appears on your faces and
how upsetting this is.  Thankfully I don't get it on my face, yet.

Thank you to all who responded with your wonderful suggestions, comments
and anecdotes.   I know this is long, but I hope it helps some of you to
get some relief.  Remember, just because one thing didn't work for some
of us, doesn'= t mean it won't help you.  Try any or all of what is
suggested and let us know how it works out for you.  Good luck and the
next time a doctor tells you to "Just Stop Scratching!!!", tell him/her
to go scratch his/her ******!!!

Stay well and enjoy life,
