<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

A few more comments I received from the summary I posted 12/2/01 on colds:

--  Someone said to get rid of your toothbrush to avoid reinfecting
yourself--this isn't true. Colds are caused by viruses and not
re-"catchable." Strep you could reinfect yourself with, but that's

--  The hand-washing study actually found that you should wash your
hands for 15 seconds minimum, not 50.  ( I saw that on "Oprah.") Also, I
was told by a throat specialist (after a long bout with chronic strep
throat) that washing your toothbrush bristles with antibacterial soap
before and after you use it should suffice, although my mother-in-law, a
dental hygienist, recommends you get a new toothbrush every month

-- We use Zinc lozenges for sore throat, Echinacea for colds, and also lots
of Vitamin C tablets. I know they work for us. Try them.

-- Do you have any more information on the Zi-cam - where you get it or
who the manufacturer is? [This information was not given to me. Perhaps
the poster would send it to the list?].

[Isn't it great how we readily share information with each other?]