<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I am not sure how to summarize yet since this is my first time but i see
everyone else do it so here we go.

Most people told me to ignore the doctors and put both my children on a GF
diet.  Well as for my son I started him today which is monday, and so far
he has not complained   lol  I am still waiting to see if i can find out
for sure about my daughter.

I was also given the email address to Dr. Pietzak at the childrens hospital
in Los Angeles, the email is : [log in to unmask]

Was also referred to the Gluten Intolerance Group in Seattle, Wa.  They
were a great help and are sending me some info.

Again thanks to everyone who responded..... Tiffanie

P.S.  I made my first batch of GF chocolate chip cookies last night and the
kids loved them....lol  i thought for sure they would be a flop.  I also
made a loaf of bread that was GF. It was harder, but the result was great
and my son is eating it without verbal complaint....lol  bye