<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>


Thanks to everyone who took time to reply to me, I have read and kept all
the replies.

To my relief, quite a few people said that they too became bloated as the
day wore on and ended up with a hard stomach.  Solutions were:

Bile salts
Ox Bile
Eating soft food and mashing, like I have to.

Not eating gassy veg, like chick pea flour
Checking for gluten contamination like toiletries etc.

Most agreed that it is a side effect of CD and will improve in time.
Someone suggested Elaine Gottshall's book,Breaking the Vicious Cycle, which
I had bought but not read properly.  So I took a highlighter and went
through it....well, I have to say that after three days on her diet, my
stomach is flatter each day, unbelievable.  The only changes I made were to
cut out sweeteners, coffee, chick pea flour, sugar and potatoes and there
is already a difference.AND.....I have been eating solid food as well,

Thanks again