<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I ate some delicious GF [kinnick-kinnick] bread this morning that was
raised with yeast. The other ingredients I believe I can tolerate (rice,
flax, sunflower seeds, vegetable gum & soda).  I feel like I've swallowed
a brick that's just sitting there making me feel tired.  I haven't had
this heavy feeling in my gut since going GF/CF.  Could it be the yeast?
~Valerie in Tacoma, WA<


absolutely!  celiac and candida go hand in hand...read up on yeast

Have you had antibiotics lately?


You are right, it is possible that you are sensitive to yeast. Here you
have a site to read: www.howdyneighbor.com/jbayliss/ There you find "Do
you have a yeast problem?" Make the test, and you know much more about


Read Dr. William G. Crook's book  The Yeast Connection Handbook. If you
can't find a copy let me know. He lives in Jackson TN where I live. He is
speaking at our next support group meeting. Joan in TN


Could be the yeast or the flax seeds. They are kind of heavy, I can't
have the flax seeds but can take flax seed oil.


a number of people with CD also have yeast sensitivity.  Mine was
diagnosed by Dr. Fine at the same time that I was tested for CD.


I know that yeast is a problem for me and my yeast test from Enterolab
was positive, thus, he's advised me not to consume yeast (gluten
sensitivity was also positive...)


I know since I've been diagnosed, I can't tolerate flax seed.


It might be the vegetable gum??


I have celiac disease and if I so much as use makeup (a lot of
moisturizers and eye creams have yeast) with yeast in it, I either get
tired, fuzzy brained, or uncontrollably fall asleep.  So my answer is
yes, celiacs can react to yeast.


You may have an ulcer. Ulcer bleed due to either too much acid or too
little. The bread may have absorbed some of the acid. This bleeding can
go unnoticed and causes poor digestion and chronic fatigue.


ok....then it could be that you are just plain allergic to yeast....try
this[recommended by my pharmacist]...if you think you are allergic to a
pill or substance, take it crush it and place it in the crook of your
arm....cover withe damp bandage [don't need much] and wait an hour
before you remove it...check skin for redness, welts etc.  Bakeries use
both cake yeast. and dry yeasts..so do both


I think you should find out what the vegetable gum is.


Years ago I had a similar reaction to brewers yeast but not to bakers
yeast. Perhaps you should contact the baker and ask details about the
exact type and origin of the yeast.


I got that exact feeling from eating Arrowhead Mills pancake mix once.
I never figured out for sure what it was, but suspected cross
contamination. I'm pretty sure there was no yeast in it.


I feel the same way with yeast.  I never eat it.  I only make quick
breads like banana bread, or flat things like bette haggmans's rice
pizza crust.  I don't think it is in your head.  In a book I read about
crohn's disease, yeast is a definite no-no.


Yes it can be yeast.  The Merck Manual lists several reasons for damage
to intestines, celiac disease is only one, and allergy to parasites/yeast
is another.


I am sorry to say that yes, yeast is one of those things that a number of
Celiac can't tolerate. Including my son. Until recently there was no
substitute for it. Now there is a powered form of ascorbic acid. I
haven't had time to experiment with it yet, perhaps others have. Miss
Roben's is where I got mine  www.missroben.com , but I am sure there are
other sources.


Could be, but I'd likely say it was the *heavy* ingredients in the
bread...I mean, that's some pretty solid bread.

I always feel like you describe when eating *any* flour products (GF of
course) - crackers, pasta, bagels, bread etc.  I do eat whole grains
(quinoa, millet, amaranth, buckwheat, corn and rice)... only a couple
times per week. Grains just generally make me tired, rundown and leave me
with that 'brick in the stomach' feeling you describe -as if it's all
just sitting there *not* digesting...not doing anything except exhausting