<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi everyone.  Sorry this has taken so long.  I graduated from USC this
weekend, and so I've been out of town celebrating with family.  Thank you so
much for all your responses.  I thought this was a wierd problem that only I
had, but obviously, it's a lot more common than I thought.  I got over 50
responses from people with similar problems.

Most everybody who responded said I'm eating too many carbohydrates, and
that is what is causing the food cravings shortly after eating.  Most
respondants said they got cravings soon after eating anything with a lot of
sugar or starch.

Unanimously, everyone agreed I should eat more vegetables and protein, and
as few carbs and fats as possible.

About half the people said they had gained weight since going gf.  Half said
they had had cravings and weight gain BEFORE going gf, but going gf had
fixed the problem.  Hmm.  I don't know what to think about that one.
Of the people who had managed to lose some of the weight and cut cravings
down, almost all said they did it by getting rid of carbs and fats.

One person said rice is the worst offender for her (in causing cravings).

One person said rice was the only "safe" grain.  Nobody else mentioned
any other grains specifically.

Several people said I might be hypoglycemic.

Other interesting quotes: "[their doctor] said celiac's are missing B
vitamins, calcium and fiber as a result of the new diet.  She suggested
we vary the diet with dried fruits, nuts, fruits, enriched rice's, low
fat yogurt, cheeses and multivitamins. "

'If you due have malabsorption, this could be a reason why you are still
having food cravings after eating a meal.  Also, what are you eating?  I
know that eating white rice instead of brown rice will make you hungry a lot
faster after a meal.  Maybe keep a food diary for a little while to log what
type of foods you are eating."

"Thirst is almost always misinterpretted for hunger---so if you feel hungry
when you don't think you should be, try drinking water.

2. A feeling of hunger after eating, or soon after usually means that your
body is still looking for a nutrient that you are not getting in your diet."

"Read Protein Power.  The author says it is important to eat a BALANCE of
protein and carbs and fat at each and every meal or snack.  It is NOT a high
protein diet- he calls it an adequate protein diet.  He says it stops the
carb cravings. So when you eat breakfast, don't just eat cereal.  Have a
portion of fish, or chicken sausage or something. For a snack, have an once
of cheddaror turkey, 6 cashews and half an apple. He also says at least
three meals and 2 snacks a day, no skipping!"

Oops, I have to go, but I will summarize other interesting quotes in a 2nd
summary tomorrow.
