<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>


I read with interest Gayle's post on the twins.

There are now 3 Celiac's in my household: Both of my children and
myself.  The non-celiac's in the family decided to go glutenfree last
year (August 2000) when my son was extremely ill and diagnosed with
Celiac.  My daughter's celiac was subsequently  found two months ago ,
(it was silent up to that point).  My individual research has found that
in my family my maternal grandmother(now deceased),maternal first
cousin, my brother and myself and my two children as having Celiac. My
mother and my maternal aunt both have osteo and my aunt also has
thyroid.  My brother's daughters are being tested now.  My genealogical
research with others researching my maternal grandmother's family line
has uncovered Celiac Disease, Type 1 Diabetes (lots of children),UC,
Osteo, colon and undetermined origin cancers.

I would love to think we could avoid, outgrow or cure this disease in
our family.  However, I suspect that the strength of the genetic forces
involved would never allow this to happen!

On a bright note, I feel that we have all adjusted well,  are all eating
healthier, "no processed foods or preservatives" and have to say there
is nothing more satisfying then looking into my fruit and vegetable
filled grocery cart while glancing into the "fudgie-o cookie, pizza pop,
green ketchup, filled cart beside me!

Calgary, Canada