<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

A big, wonderful, thank you to all that responded.  My goodness, I certainly
learned a lesson in Buckwheat.  Even though we still don't know the precise
reason my daughter reacted,  I'm glad to know what I now know.  Basically,
there were about 3 different possibilities given: 1) an allergic reaction to
buckwheat; 2) cross contamination; or 3)she had a stomach virus.  It's
amazing how so many from this group cannot tolerate buckwheat.  Some
recommended trying Kasha-a form of buckwheat.  Hmm, dare I ask another
question- If it ends up she is allergic to buckwheat flour, will she also be
allergic to Kasha?  I guess I'm thinking that people are recommending Kasha
because it is less likely to have cross contamination from crop rotation(some
said that buckwheat is planted in the same fields as wheat on a rotating
yearly basis.).  Another fact that I learned is that buckwheat is high in
fiber, which can be upsetting to your stomach.

Again thanks so much for your words of encouragement and your wealth of
