<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I received more responses & wanted to post them, too.


I won't give my daughter aspirin as she is 16 and there is always the
possibility of Reyes Syndrome.  Also many celiacs, and many other
people! are dealing with Leaky Gut Syndrome and aspirin is notorious for
passing right through the gut wall and causing more damage.  Many
celiacs can't stomach any of the salacyte (spelling!?) family.


Alka Seltzer Gold can be used in a doubled dose to interrupt an allergic
reaction to ingested food.  I don't know if the same thing happens in the
case of celiac but I do know that it does work for food allergies.


I don't know why Alka Seltzer Gold works, but it really helps. I take it
when I've accidentally ingested gluten and it just helps lessen all the
affects, stomach problems as well as every other reaction. I was told about
it by a Dr. about 7 years ago. I didn't see how it would help and I put off
getting it for about 2 years. It really helps. You will still have a
reaction, it just makes it more bearable. I also give it to family members
if they are having a food reaction. My husband is a disbeliever until last
week when he ate shrimp that didn't agree with him. The ASG took the sting
out of the reaction.


Thanks again!!