<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

The Philadelphia Swing Dance Society (PSDS) will be having their annual
swing dance weekend at Camp Ramblewood in Maryland the beginning of June.
The past two years, I just brought my own food but this year I contacted
them to see if they could accomodate someone on a GF diet.  I just heard
back from Harry Leff, who said they would be happy to try.  As a result, I
thought I'd pass this on to the list in case any of you are dancers.

The PSDS web site contains more info about the weekend:


The Camp Ramblewood web site is:


This is just an F.Y.I. and not an advertisement for either PSDS or Camp
Ramblewood.  If you are going to attend, you should contact the camp
yourself to explain your own dietary needs.

Chuck (Delaware, U.S.A.)