<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

List mates,

If you read my first post, I did not blame Trader Joe's for my mistake
of buying things on the list that were not GF, I blamed myself for being
in a rush and not reading the label until I got home. But I did read the
label when I got home. I posted the information as a warning to you all.
And since the information was incorrect I thought it should be brought
to your attention. I also stated I did not eat what I bought because I
read the label.  We are expected to summarize the letters we receive,
and pass it on..........Trader Joe's has now recalled their GO list
There were other mistakes on the list as well. Some of you did not read
either my complete first letter or consequent letters. Please do not
send me any more letters telling me to be thankful for having  Trader
Joes or to be responsible for myself. I was responsible. I did not eat
it.  I have always been thankful to have Trader Joes. Especially for the
Prices. I will now go back to lurking silently.

Diana in RI.