<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Ok, everyone, I need some help here.  I was diagnosed one month ago, so I am
not sure what to expect with gluten reactions.  I never had problems over
the long term like a lot of people with CD.  I had a very sudden onset.  I
used to be plagued by an excess of gas, but nothing more than that, except
maybe some spasms very infrequently.

Now I have done everything possible to avoid gluten, but on occasion I
suppose I must be getting something.  Last night after eating out and having
filet (plain), baked potato, and salad (all safe), they had put a piece of
bread on my plate and given me veggies, which were supposed to be only
cooked in butter, and they weren't, as they were seasoned, so I didn't eat
them.  Perhaps these two things were my contaminants....  hey, I am still
learning, but at a high price here.  Should I have sent the whole plate
back?  I figured they would take everything back and just remove the bad
stuff and give me back the same steak.  Would I have been right??

Anyway, about 3 hours after dinner (10 p.m.), I started getting pains in the
lower abdominal area.  It felt like gas, but unlike gas, I couldn't pass it.

They hurt, but were not disabling.  I didn't feel better until almost 6 a.m.

So here is my question:  What should I expect in the way of reactions?  Was
this one??  Or will I really get sick?  And how long does it take from the
time you eat something until you react?  And is there anything we can take
to knock this out?  I remember seeing something once, but didn't write it

I thank everyone ahead of time for helping me.  This listserv has been a
wonderful source of information as we have no support groups in my area.
Keep up the good work.

Bev in Ohio