<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Dear Listmates,

I wrote Delta Airlines this letter.  They must really be mixed up,
because they sent it back to me without a word!

On my flight to Ft. Lauderdale on 1/20/01, I was served a meal marked
GFML (gluten free meal).  Upon lifting the foil cover, there was another
foil marked Low Calorie.  Beneath these I was faced with spaghetti and

My return flight was no better.  The salad had croutons, the salad
dressing was suspicious in nature, the "potato" roll contained wheat and
barley, so I returned this, too.

Thank goodness I had brought along a small can of tuna for each flight!
But what if I had not brought a little snack?  There was no gluten free
food in any of the airports, so I would have been much hungrier.  If I
had eaten your food, I would have suffered severe diahrrea during the
flight.  This could have trapped me in the bathroom for over 2 hours,
and made me weak enough to be hospitalized.

I believe you should be aware that gluten free means no wheat, barley,
oats and rye, no MSG.  I will be happy to send you literature on this
subject, so that you can educate your meal preparation units.

I purposely choose Delta when I fly, because you have always done right
by me.  But this time was very disappointing.

Your comments are welcome, as I will notify the many celiac disease
members throughout the country and overseas who subscribe to a Listserve
for Celiacs.

Thank you,
Violla Orloff