<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Well, Dear Folks, here's the thing. I have come to the realization, to
my great dismay, that I cannot trust the list that Trader Joe's
publishes. From the responses I have received,  I am not the only one. I
am extremely disappointed, because of the cost of the products is so
much less than other preservative free, GF shopping. I think I will have
to stick to my health food store shopping, because I have such allergies
to things other than gluten. I have had a lot more pain in my body since
a year ago, and I suspect that it has to do with the fact that I started
shopping in Trader Joe's a year ago  My symptoms are delayed and
sometimes I don't know what has caused them.I am going to avoid their
foods for a while (of course I have a freezer full now, and my husband
will have to eat it all). I agree with others on the list that they
really are not aware of what Gluten is. I tried to call the store I
shopped in yesterday, and they didn't answer the phone. I tried to find
the e-mail address for the main branch and they no longer have an e-mail
address. Gee, I wonder why? I can still shop there for the things that I
know positively are GF with name brands that I know, such as Imagine,
Applegate Farms, and such. It's still cheaper, but I will have to figure
out if the travel is worth it!. Here are the responses I received:


why not go to a reputable fish market?


I had the same sort of experience several years ago when their last list
was published. I consider their list useless.


I shopped at Trader Joe's several times and got sick....the only thing I
didn't react to was the frozen fish......


I was waiting for the new GF list from Trader Joe's for months and was
so thrilled when I got it.  Then, I noticed the same thing!!!  I was so
disappointed and share your sentiments about questioning their research.

Also, our TJ's, in New Jersey doesn't seem to be carrying corn pasta


Wow!  Sorry for the disappointments.  TJ goofed big time.  But I'd let
them know.  I think they care or else they wouldn't have bothered to
make a list in the first place.  I wish more stores would address the
issue like they have.  But thanks for the warning.  I'll be more careful
with them from now on.


I don't eat wheat starch...too scared, but I thought I read that wheat
starch is actually considered completely safe for us, since gluten is a
protein, and is not found in the wheat starch. It'll be interesting to
see the responses you get. I suspect most of us are afraid of the
starch, just because it says "wheat".


I talked with people at Trader Joes.  They said I could count on the
labels being correct and complete.  I have not seen their GF list, but I
have read the labels, and it seems that they are okay.  I was happy to
see that even though the list was wrong, the wheat was listed on the
labels.  My son-in law has an associate who knows the owner.  Perhaps I
can get a contact where we can ask him.


I have never been satisfied with Trader Joe's and wonder what all the
fuss has been about their store.  They just opened a new one here in
Palm Springs and the list is most Unhelpful.  They told me to just
wander the store to find the products (great PR huh?)  I don't think
they have a clue about the seriousness of their mistakes and what makes
something GF.  I would not shop their stores.


please forward this msg to TJ's.  They need to be informed!


Well folks, with the last e-mail to the list serve about the lentil soup
with vegetables I thought I Should send the summary now! Does anyone
have a phone number for the main office? If they can't tell the
difference  between GF and NON-GF by just looking at it, then we have a
problem, as we all know, they do not manufacture their food, they get it
from a manufacturer, and if they are not asking the right questions,
then what?

Then we all have problems!

Diana in RI