On Mon, 19 Feb 2001 18:03:55 -0500, Michael Warner Kallus
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>I know that I have posted the question before but repetition often succeeds
>where initiative fails and I am quite anxious to hear you opinions:
>1. what is a good post workout meal? i have tried plain lean meat, meat and
>fruit, meat and fat, everything but the high carb/ no fat/ medium protien
>that has been criticized by this group recently. They all leave me feeling
>occasionally weel and energetic, and sometimes ddepleated and dead tired. I
>respond to the and try to work out what is optimal for me, but so far the
>riplle effect of the chaos theorum is too difficult to consolidate a
>proximate cause. The theory behind the consumption would help.

Which meals made you feel good?  Bad?

Did the big meals make you feel tired and depleted?  Besides glucose,
protein (amino acids) can also induce an insulin response.  In his NHE
book, Faigin states that the sensitivity of induction by protein is 30%
relative to that by glucose (units?).  (Fat induces insulin weakly or not
at all.  So even if you avoid carbohydrates, you can still suffer the
effects of insulin if you eat too much protein in one meal.)  He also
states that the maximum amount of amino acids that can be absorbed in one
meal is 50g (or 60g?).

Then you have the ideas of Ori Hofmekler.  I'll let him speak for himself.
