<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi Everyone, Its been quite a long time since I've posted but I want to
share some information that you might be interested in.  First of all, I
have been diagnosed with CD for six years now.  Last year I was
diagnosed with a myositis (I have been spending a lot of time on the
Myositis bulletin board and even went to a conference). How ironic I sat
with a lady who's sister had celiac disease and the mother had lymphoma.
I also met other people on the myositis bulletin board who are now going
to be tested for celiac.  They do not know what causes myositis but the
symptoms do appear in the MSG symptom complex book. (below) I just want
to warn everyone that experiences any muscle weakness, muscle pain,
burning sensations, trouble breathing, fatigue, to be aware of this
disease.  I thought my muscle weakness was from the lack of vitamins of
the CD.  Well, my ANA was l:640.  Then I had a muscle biopsy done which
showed degenerative/regenerative of my muscle and mild neurogenic
atrophy.  Well 5% of celiacs that my doctor sees says that they have
neuromuscular problems.  I just want everyone to be aware of this.

Second, I just finished reading the book "In Bad Taste" The MSG Symptom
Complex by George R. Schwartz, MD.(New Revised Edition).  Every celiac
needs to read this book.  This stuff is killing us!!!!  I couldn't
believe how much MSG I was ingesting in spite of being gluten-free. Yes,
MSG can be gluten-free but it is still a "rat poison."  MSG can be made
from any protein, including wheat, even pork. Chapter 8 talks about the
other ingredients that MSG is hidden under.  Don't accept the fact that
MSG is made from corn and is safe. I talked to the lady at the MSG Nati
onal Organization  800-232-8674.  Her name was Kathleen and very
informative.  She said no celiacs should be ingesting MSG.  The book
states that it is a drug.  It is a potent nerve toxin.  I think this is
why I am having neuromuscular problems.  I am not promoting this book to
buy it.  I just happened to come across it in the library while
"browsing".  Everyone needs to read this.  I think this stuff is causing
a lot of autoimmune problems.  Once you start reading this I guarantee
you will not put it down.

Thirdly, I just noticed Dr. Fine's website enterolab.com  I would encourage
this testing since it only uses a stool sample and he is right--every
American needs to be tested for celiac disease.  I had silent celiac and
nearly lost my life to this disease.  I am still battling complications.
I think his quote says it all "Change strikes fear...Dietary change strikes
terror! Dr. Fine.

Did everyone see the article about "Kid Rock" his sidekick died at the
age of 26 (he had celiac disease). Nov. 2000 under ABCNEWS.com.  We need
to get this disease out into the media.  If research is showing 1:150
prevalence why aren't these grocery store shelves overflowing with
gluten free products.  A gluten-free diet is even recommended for AIDS,
and MS.  Why isn't this being publicized? One problem is there is no
national organization.  Too many sticks in the fire.  I brought this up
four years ago.  We have no major force going to battle for us.  Any
ideas on how to get this changed?  I am fed up with all of these celiac
organizations.  If anyone is on my side lets get things changed NOW.

Thanks for reading this post.  I hope someone will benefit from it.  I only
know I don't want my kids dealing with this lack of organization if they
are ever diagnosed.
