<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi, There are so many great recipes and ideas floating around on the
different email allergy groups.  And we all see requests for recipes
that have either been posted before or on another list.  It would be
nice to make recipes that have been posted to your group more accessible
to everyone, on other lists too, and still organized in a fashion that
is very usable.  POFAK (Parents of Food Allergic Kids) has begun to do
this with the help of Diane Hartman and myself initiating a separate
list ONLY for the purpose of sharing recipes and substitution tips.  I
know GFCFRecipes already does this for their own group but it would be
really great to have others accessible to the recipe files and also for
them to have access to POFAK's, FAST's, etc.

Diane and I started a new online group JUST for exchanging allergen-free
recipes. Hopefully we all can collaborate and have one HUGE recipe
folder with allergen codes to denote what it is free of/safe for.  If
you are interested you can tell your member that they can subscribe by
sending a blank e-mail to: [log in to unmask]
As recipes are posted to that list, Diane will organize them into
categories to use like a cookbook on a concurrent basis.  Hopefully this
list will make it easier for those searching and finding newly posted
recipes, and it will decrease the volume of mail on your list if the
more of the recipes are posted over on that list instead instead.   Also
if you want to help with new list, we would be happy to have the help so
write me or Diane at [log in to unmask] .   We are
going to moderate the list so people will limit the discussion solely to
this topic.

Also we have set up a chat room that runs Monday on the Miss Roben's site.
Anyone is welcome to join (the more minds the better). I have reposted the
mailer that went out below. Right now while we are completing the new site
(the other one crashed and software corrupted) go to the temporary domain
site at http://www.missroben.com/cgi-bin/chat.pl and you will be asked to
click here to enter the Chat Room.


Please join us tonight, 1/08/01, at  10-11 pm, EST, for our weekly chat
on the topic of "Diet and Nutrition For The Food Allergic/Sensitive"
with Diane Hartman. Please follow this link:
http://www.missroben.com/cgi-bin/chat.pl. We welcome new participants to
the chat.  Please feel free to forward this reminder as a  invitation to
friends and family that share an interest in this topic and may also
enjoy our chat forum.

Your privacy is very important to us.  If you do not find these
reminders helpful, please follow this link to remove your email address
from our reminders system: http://www.missroben.com/cgi-
[log in to unmask]

Removing yourself from the reminders service has no effect on your
newsletter subscription. If you would like to unsubscribe from our
newsletter, please follow this link: http://www.missroben.com/cgi-
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