<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Dear List Members,

I am sorry I have been tardy in providing this summary but I received 18
messages in reply and a wealth of information in them that I have had to
follow through on.  Thank You.

Several replies raised the question of the difference between gluten
intolerance and an allergy to gluten.  I cannot answer this one, all I
know is that the diagnosis is gluten intolerance whereas she has been
diagnosed as allergic to salicylate foods so I take it there is a
difference.  Several replies also stated that gluten intolerance is
Celiac's disease, though I have been given to understand that this
diagnosis can only be made with a biopsy.

One reply suggested the Nikken Sleep System to assist with the

Two ladies replied that they had had migraines for years (one had 12 per
year for 30 years, and the other migraines that verged on seizures for
10 years) and these migraines stopped after being diagnosed as CD and
beginning the diet.  In no way were their migraines connected to
menstruation despite what the doctors said.

There was a recommendation to get hold of a book "Epilepsy and other
Neurological Disorders in Coelic's Disease" ISBN 086196 537X which I
have not been able to locate as yet, will try an interlibrary loan.

I was also directed to the list archives on gluten and seizures, and an
excellent resource on MSG, migraines and seizures.

Another excellent resource for everyone is
http://www.ozemail.com.au/~sdengate/-food intolerance problem.

There was also a query if a recent vaccination was the cause, here the
answer is No.

I was also grateful for the replies which offered me prayers and
thoughts, thank you.

This is a bumpy ride for all of us, but we are going to make it and I
thank you all for your thoughts.  Lists like this are a godsend.

On a brighter note, I explained all of these allergies to my local
butcher (not the supermarket variety, the old fashioned type in a
butcher shop).  As a result we now have gluten free with absolutely no
preservatives added sausages here in Gladstone which he manufactured for
Alana.  Word has gotten out and he is supplying others who do have CD.
Also we are awaiting our first shipment of organic meat any day now,
once again thanks to this wonderful man.  He is having his shop
certified as organic and will set up a special freezer and display unit
for our meat.  The word has already spread on this also.  For Christmas
our Ice Cream Parlour concocted a delightful lemon sorbet Christmas
pudding without gluten, preservatives, or additives for Alana.

This, to me, just goes to show that no problem is insurmountable.  I
have just approached my local suppliers, explained the multiple
problems, and we are finding solutions.  This is also helping others in
my community who have gone without not knowing that friendly shopkeepers
are willing to help.  The future is looking brighter for many people

Once again, thank you.

Gladstone Qld Australia