<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Dear All - After visiting the doctors again, I have a question and need
your input.  I was diagnosed in October via a biopsy.  Previously, they
felt I had an ulcer, blah, blah, blah... thus the endoscopy.  Now that
I've been told that it is CD, I have begun a GF diet.  As you all know,
I have inquired about exhaustion, etc.  Now I would like to know what
types of tests are "typical" after a diagnosis.  I was in yesterday
giving vial after vial of blood as was also told that a CAT scan will be
performed in January.  Why is all of this necessary?  Is it?  What other
types of fun and joy lie ahead?  (I like to be aware before things are
sprung on me.)  Any help you could give would be much appreciated.

    Many thanks.

    Kate - Chicago