<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I have been asked to post the following message from the CSA Executive
Board.  jyr

Subject: Memo to CSA leaders, members and celiac friends

The CSA executive Board has accepted the resignation of Leon H.
Rottmann, Ph.D. as Executive Director.

As CSA deals with change, the Governing board will focus on the purposes

as stated it the CSA constitution and by laws to determine the course
and assure, Celiacs, Helping Celiacs for many years to come.  At this
time we especially need your visible presence, patience and prayers. We
hope you can add a bit more support through donations of money or
personal talents to complete the task of developing a more effective
distribution system of educational materials and support.

The board, staff and medical advisors will strive to create a high
performance team with shared responsibility, aligned on purpose, high
communication, future-focused, focused on tasks, creative talents and
rapid response.  These are the eight attributes of high performance
teams outlined by Kinicki and Kreitner in their book, Organization
Behavior.   The CSA team has an important role for each member, chapter,
resource unit and national officer.  Let's make volunteerism work.
Looking forward to teaming with you all.  Wishing Leon Rottmann the
best.  He has given much to help CSA grow.

Mary A.  Schluckebier,  CSA/USA, Inc. President


Janet in Houston
Celiacs Helping Celiacs
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