<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hello there!

Several weeks ago I asked for help from Listserv members in locating a
good source of GF fruitcake. I was lazily hoping not to have to
experiment with baking my own. I have attempted to clarify the replies
by categorizing them as follows:

Category 1, buying ready baked fruitcake:

One reply suggested I try Ener-G Foods, as they used to carry
fruitcake, though the writer did not particularly like them.

Another suggested Dietary Specialties.

A representative of the Glutino Company replied to me directly, saying
that they are in the process of finalizing the price details, that he
will contact me when this is done, and that (he swears) theirs are the
best!  If he contacts me personally and not the Listserv, I will post
that fact.

Category 2:  General:

Please summarize (1). I need a good recipe for fruitcake(1)

Category 3:  Recipes and recipe sources

There are 3 good recipes in the archives (2). One kind lady found and
sent me some since I am pretty worthless on the archive sources.

One writer made a fruitcake out of Pamela's baking mix, using a recipe
from Joy of Cooking. It was "very successful."

One told me I will have to make my own and i should make it NOW, wrap
it, and put it in the 'frig to keep until the holidays.

One writer had tried a regular GF muffin mix with added candied fruit.
It was "not exactly fruitcake" but moist and good.

I received actual recipes from 3 different people.  Please let me know
if you want copies. I will do my best to attach copies to a reply though

I gather that does not always work. One writer (John) asks that if I
send them to others I also provide the name of the source (book).  I
will do so.

Thank you for the replies; I appreciate your taking time to help.