<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Greetings to all and I hope everyone is doing well.

I've been posting a lot of GF lists and I hope they are helping out.

I am looking for gluten free/egg free (or egg substitute) animal cracker

My son is 3/4 diagnosed (waiting for biopsy results but all blood work
positive and preliminary exam of small intestines shows Celiac) and I am
looking for a substitute for him to have at school.

I am Celiac (unofficially diagnosed), Grey is, and we're to keep our 11
month old GF until 2 (DH shows no signs of Celiac).

If anyone knows of mail order or recipes or even a recipe that has a
good "animal cracker" flavor that is easy to use cookie cutters on, I
would GREATLY appreciate it.

Thanks, and I will summarize.

Andrea and Grey 5/5/97, and Forest 9/9/99