<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I had a total of 13 responses  to my original question "which do you prefer
the Kitchen Aid mill attachment or the Whisper Mill?".  With the exception
of two people, everyone preferred the Whisper Mill.  Of the two who liked
the Kitchen Aid Mill I got the impression that only one had actually used it
and she said it didn't grind fine enough for her liking so she had to run it
through a second time.  She also stated that it was very messy and
consequently she only ground flour about twice a year and stored large
quantities in the freezer.

The main dislikes of the Kitchen Aid Mill were that it wasn't powerful
enough for all grains and it didn't give a fine mill. Also there was a
comment that it heats up frequently when grinding some grains.  Apparently
it does not do well on rice.

One woman from overseas had such a frustrating life using the Kitchen Aid
mill that she told her husband who is visiting in the US not to come home
without a Whisper Mill for her!  I think that says a lot!

On the other hand, no body had a negative comment about the Whisper Mill.
As these were the only two mills I inquired about, that was the extent of
the feedback.  There was one person who owns a Family Grain Mill which is
hand operated and she was pleased with it.  If she had it to do again though
she said she'd probably buy the Whisper Mill feeling her time could be
better spent than turning the grinder by hand.

Most mentioned that Whisper Mill could handle all types of  grains and
beans, including popcorn, however no body mentioned trying to grind for
potato flour.  I'm not even sure how you would go about doing that. What
would you grind?  Seems you would have to have someway to dehydrate the
potato first.

That pretty much sums up the opinions expressed.  I ordered my Whisper Mill
on Saturday and am eagerly awaiting its arrival.  In case anyone is
interested, I ordered it from homehealthresource.net for $219.00 and the
shipping was free!

Thanks again for all your input.  It really helped me to make an educated
decision, and remove the guilt for  spending the extra money.

If any are still considering the Kitchen Aid Attachment Mill, the best
source I have found is at Fry's Electronics where it sells for $99.00,
though someone found one on ebay for about $75.00.

Jennifer in AZ

Ps.  If anyone has an inexpensive source for mail-order grains and beans I'd
appreciate the input.  I checked into Azure Standard which has good prices
on the grains, but unless you buy $400.00 worth  the shipping is oppressive.
They use UPS and the shipping on my $47.00 came to over $30.00.