<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Dear Listmates,

I have been participating (both as a reader and contributor) to this list
for about 3 months now. Finally, I have been officially diagnosed with CD
(not that I am happy to have this, just glad to know what I am dealing with
so I can get on with my life). My serology tests before going GF came back
negative. I suspect the lab may have been the problem and I did not
aggressively push for follow-up serology while still on gluten. My
diagnosis was confirmed through biopsy for which I had to demand that my
samples be sent to the Univ. of MD (after the first lab which my dr. chose
indicated that the biopsy was negative for celiac). What a fiasco this
process is. It really is amazing how much doctors can mess up your lives.
Anyway I am now on a GF diet and have been since the biopsy was done on
April 25th. I have two questions about my situation. 1) I seem to be
ingesting something (I have been having some mild symptoms) that is giving
me trouble and I can't seem to figure out what it could be. I have checked
all of the updated lists for safe foods and called companies when not sure.
I have been eating alot of corn products (such as GF popcorn, and Tortilla
chips) as a replacement to pretezels, etc. Could it be the corn? Is it just
that my damaged body needs time to heal and therefore I should eat a
low-fiber diet or is it more likely that I am unwittingly ingesting gluten?

2) my second question is, since I did not get a baseline serology how can I
monitor whether I am successfully staying GF? SHould I ask my dr. to redo
the blood-work now? or should I go back on gluten temporarily in order to
redo the bloodwork?

I was hoping if any physicians or other experts in this field see this
message, that you might be willing to respond either to me or the list (I'm
sure there are others with this question.) Thanks for your help.
Ardmore, PA