<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hello Everyone,

This is probably going to open a whole can of worms (GF of course!) But
I'm curious about this.

I quit smoking a year ago and I've gained about 35 pounds which I want
to desperately take off. Since GF products are high in calories and fat
content, I spoke with my doctor and she suggested the Dr. Atkins's diet.
I realize this diet is not for everyone but because of low cholesterol
and negative heart disease and some other medical problems she said this
would be the best diet for me at this time. I can't do a lot of
vegetables or fruits, so a low fat diet is out of the question.

Does anybody know if any of the "bars", snacks, cheesecake, etc. are
gluten free? I looked on his web page and saw some of the ingredients. I
know the ones with oat flour are totally out but I was wondering if
anybody has checked this out?


Sue Oliver