<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I've been on a GF diet for 2 1/2 years.  One obstacle I constantly face
is the subject of cheese.  I read so many conflicting information on
whether certain cheese products are GF or not.  I see on lists where
certain brands of mozarella cheese, cream cheese and processed cheeses
contain gluten.  I read labels and only see ingredients such as milk,
cheese culture, enzymes and annatto color.  I thought annatto color came
from a vegetable base.  On GF list I read that only certain brand sharp
cheeses are GF.  And cream cheese, where is the gluten in this?  Sour
cream - I don't see a gluten ingredient on labels but I read where only
certain ones are GF.

I hope others see my confusion!  On these milk based products, if I read
the label and I don't see a forbidden ingredient then why do so many
lists state we can only eat certain brands and certain flavors of cheese
or milk products?

I don't tolerate milk, but I can eat hard cheeses and sometimes small
amounts of sour cream.  I have to have cheese on my broccoli and
potatoes, so if someone could shed some insight on this cheese issue I
would be very, very grateful!  I'll summarize as I feel there are others
out there just as confused about this as I am.


Connie in North Carolina