<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I attended the Food Show at the Javitz Center in New York City yesterday. I
went on business but decided to ask what products were gluten free. I guess
that you can all guess what happened most of the time. Gluten, what is that?
Gluten is that something to do with sugar. It was most frustrating. Even
after explaining what it was, most of the companies weren't sure.

The one bright light came in my conversation with Chef Paul Pruhomme. I asked
if his products are gluten free and not only did he know what gluten free
was, he knew which products were not.

All of Chef Paul's products (he is the one that looks like Dom DeLouise)are
gluten free
Gumbo and Gravy
Breading Magic.

Thank you chef Paul.

On another note I spoke to the chef at Blue Ridge Farms products and NONE of
their products according to this gentlemen are GF. So stay clear of them.

Those are the only two definite answers that I got from the whole show.
Let's say that most of the people at the show ate their way through it. I was
starving when I got home and had a really late lunch.

Marcy from NY