<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

To all on the list.

This was brought about by a list member Debie Jawhari.

Yes!  Kellogg's stopped making the Nutrigrain Almond
Raisin cereal.  My wife ordered two cases some time
ago out of their warehouse.  We tried ordering some
more and they were all gone.  She then resorted to the
only thing she could do.  She made her own.  She is on
the last box of the the Kellogg's and has some of her
own make standing by.

She used Sun Flakes, slivered almonds and dried
cherries.  She guessed the quantity of each, put them
into a container.  She tried them out and said they
weren't bad.  What else can she do?

Seymour(not gf) for Phyllis (celiac)
W. Bloomfield, MI