<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>


I ran across this web site information today on thriveonline. I believe
it's a little laid-back when it comes to DH. Actually I became angry
when I read it. So, I emailed the webmaster explaining my anger towards
their laid-back approach to treating it. I guess maybe I'm bitter
because my husbands doctor pretty much took the same approach 6 years
ago when he was diagnosed with DH. "Stay away from gluten as much as
possible and the lesions won't reappear". We just found out 4 weeks ago
that DH is probably much worse than a couple of itchy bumps... Ugh...
How can the general public educate doctors?

What do you guys out there with DH think of this "explanation" of DH
from thriveonline?

Chicago, IL.