<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>


It seems my blood tests were negative.  I'm not too surprised.  It was a shot
in dark, since I've been on restrictive diets for such a long time.  On other
hand I really don't know how good the lab was either.  From what I hear the
best test is the hardest to read. There is no way on God's green earth that I
will prolong my glutenfication more than what I did.  So it was worth a shot
anyway, but I'll just have to accept my undiagnosisability.

Anyway, I have a question about the IgA and IgG.  My results were:

IgA = 2.9 U/I
IgG= 17.7 U/ml

They interpreted the IgA as negative, but didn't interpret the IgG.  I looked
in my resources but couldn't find any help.  Does anybody know what these
numbers means?

It really doesn't matter much, I know I have some sort of reaction to at
least wheat.  So I will go GF and see if things get even better after a few
months.  Also I read, I think from Dr. Murry, in the diagnosis file that even
if all medical tests are negative and there are still symptoms (where everythi
ng else has been ruled out), a GF diet should be tried.  Everythings been
ruled out by my doctors at home, so we will see.
